31 May 2024

Leap is Berlin's first Coworking and Event space for quantum technology innovators.

What is Leap? 

Leap was founded in 2023 and is based in Berlin Aldershof. It is a unique coworking space that focuses specifically on quantum technologies (QT) and connects innovative minds from the startup scene with researchers and the QT industry in Berlin. Leap is the first innovation hub in Berlin that exclusively concentrates on QT startups. With its location in the heart of Adlershof, it offers a platform for young talents to develop and implement their ideas. 

What are our goals? 

  • Building a strong QT community: As an essential part of BERLIN QUANTUM, the Berlin initiative for quantum technologies, Leap aims to build a resilient QT community in Berlin. By networking startups with research institutions and other innovators, and supporting joint projects and new ideas. 
  • Sustainable development of the quantum economy: QT is an emerging field with enormous potential. We want to contribute to making Berlin an international hotspot for QT innovation and growth. Promoting startups and creating an ecosystem are central elements in this. 

What benefits does Leap offer for QT founders? 

  • Free office spaces: QT startups can use free office spaces at Leap. 
  • Regular events: From BBQs to community meetings to workshops – Leap hosts regular events where founders can exchange ideas and network. 
  • Well-equipped meeting rooms: The meeting rooms are equipped with digital whiteboards and screens to enable productive discussions and hybrid brainstorming sessions. 
  • Conference room with modern technology: The conference room also features hybrid technology, speakers, and microphones, ideal for online and offline events. 
  • Proximity to the HU cafeteria: The cafeteria of Humboldt University is only 5 minutes away – perfect for a quick lunch break. 
  • 360° terrace with a view over Berlin: The terrace at Leap offers a breathtaking view over the city – a place where founders can find inspiration. 

If we got your interest, visit us in Adlershof. Come to one of our events, meet our team and other founders, and present your ideas. Perhaps you'll even find a co-founder for your startup. 

We look forward to welcoming you! 
Find out more.

Contact: info@leap.berlin 

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