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11 September 2023

Berlin is becoming a hotspot for research and development of application-oriented quantum technologies

Forum Adlershof at the "Hans Grade Hall", Rudower Chaussee 24, 12489 Berlin Adlershof

The new "Berlin Quantum Alliance" will bundle the competencies from Berlin's universities and research institutes, initiate and expand cooperations between science and industry, and create a nationally and internationally competitive ecosystem for quantum technologies. Thereby, both the fundamentals of quantum research and the transfer of quantum technologies into practical applications are to be strengthened.

On the occasion of the official launch of the Berlin Quantum Alliance (BQA), we would like to take a look at the goals, strategies and activities of the BQA in the coming years together with you, the representatives from politics, science and industry.

The Berlin Pro FIT - Call "Application-oriented quantum technologies" also presents the first concrete point of contact. This funding program supports science and industry in joint projects to advance the development of quantum technologies in the capital.

And that's not all: another highlight of the day will be the opening of Leap, the new innovation hub and coworking space for quantum technologies in Berlin on the top floor of the Innovation and Start-up Center (IGZ) Berlin Adlershof.

Here, the focus is on networking. Use the stage and introduce yourself and your company/research at Pitch & Connect. Present innovative project ideas, share your needs with the community and get into conversation with new cooperation partners.

The rule is: one speaker - one slide - 5 min. A template for your short presentation can be found below. Presentations in English are of course welcome!

To register for a pitch, please contact Katharina Witte.

We look forward to welcoming you on September 19 in the Hans-Grade-Saal in Adlershof. Participation is free of charge, but registration is requested.

The Berlin Senate supports the BQA Initiative with funds from the Innovation Promotion Fund of the State of Berlin.

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