10 April 2024

The Berlin Quantum Initiative together with the Technische Universität Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin, and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offer 13 open Post-Doc positions for 17 projects in total. Apply now!


The Berlin Quantum Initiative together with the Technische Universität Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin, and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offer the following open positions:

If applying, please indicate the project (in total 17 projects) to which your application relates. Applications to more than one project are possible (up to three), and a prioritization (rank 1, 2, etc.) for the project request must be indicated in the application documents.

Please send your application with the reference number: II-160-24 and the required documents by email (in a single PDF file, max 5 MB) to:



Successful applicants will have a graduate degree in physics or related areas such as a doctorate (certificate of PhD Diploma, or equivalent is required at the starting date) and previous experience in the listed areas of work. Strong interest in innovative approaches and research questions in quantum photonics, quantum technology and nanotechnology; special scientific, technological or academic achievements evidenced by publications, or experience in the laboratory or experience in teaching, communication and teamwork skills, ability to communicate as well as to work in a team; experience in interdisciplinary cooperation in research projects and in project management is desired. For all positions, very good English language skills are required, and/or the willingness to learn the missing language skills. Please see further desired qualifications listed below each project.

Required Documents:

CV (accoring to our template) with publication list, conference papers, and awards; a letter of motivation; the bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript of records, the Master’s certificate and a transcript of records, PhD certificate if available, a letter of recommendation (not from one of the PIs mentioned in the project descriptions, directly to the administration: berlinquantum@physik.tu-berlin.de ); a maximum of two names (and email addresses) of people who can be contacted directly by the BQ administration for another letter of recommendation; the doctoral thesis (as a link or pdf).



Generating non-classical states with a quantum memory (P1) [see detailed project description P1]
Contact Prof. Oliver Benson (HU Berlin), (email:oliver.benson@physik.hu-berlin.de, phone: +49 30 2093 82300).

Controlling quantum states of light via reservoir engineering (Theory) (P2) [see detailed project description P2]
Contact André Eckardt (TU Berlin), (email: eckardt@tu-berlin.de, phone: +49 30 314 23034).

Ultra-precisely verifying quantum devices (P3) [see detailed project description P3].
Contact Jens Eisert (FU Berlin), (email: qmio-office@physik.fu-berlin.de).

Quantum state engineering in van der Waals heterostructures (P4) [see detailed project description P4].
Contact Ralph Ernstorfer (TU Berlin), (email: ernstorfer@tu-berlin.de, phone: +49 30 314-25496).

Exploiting High-Dimensional Entanglement for Quantum Networking (P5) [see detailed project description P5].
Contact Tobias Heindel (TU Berlin, IFKP), (email: tobias.heindel@tu-berlin.de).

Taming quantum fluctuation-induced phenomena (P6) [see detailed project description P6].
Contact: Francesco Intravaia (email: francesco.intravaia@physik.hu-berlin.de, phone: +49 (0)30-2093-82457) and Kurt Busch (kurt.busch@physik.hu-berlin.de).

Realizing holographic codes on quantum devices (P7) [see detailed project description P7].
Contact Alexander Jahn (FU Berlin) (email: a.jahn@fu-berlin.de, phone: +49 30 838 64611).

Control of quantum reservoir engineering for robust state preparation (P8) [see detailed project description P8].
Contact Christiane Koch (FU Berlin) (christiane.koch@fu-berlin.de, phone:+49 30838-67459).

Efficient Tomography for Quantum Information Processing (P9) [see detailed project description P9].
Contact Jasmin Meinecke (TU Berlin) (jasmin.meinecke@tu.berlin.de, phone: +49 (0)30-314-79278).

Delegated Quantum Computation in realistic environment (P10) [see detailed project description P10].
Contact Anna Pappa (TU Berlin) (email: anna.pappa@tu-berlin.de, phone: +491771914687).

Quantum Sensing with Many Undetected Photons (P11) [see detailed project description P11].
Contact Sven Ramelow (HU Berlin) (sven.ramelow@physik.hu-berlin.de).

Narrowband photon pair source based on nonlinear photon transport (P12) [see detailed project description P12].
Contact Arno Rauschenbeutel (HU Berlin) (arno.rauschenbeutel@hu-berlin.de, phone:+49 (0)30 2093 82152).

Scalable Quantum Photonic Circuits based on On-Demand Quantum Emitters (P13) [see detailed project description P13].
Contact Stephan Reitzenstein (TU Berlin) (stephan.reitzenstein@physik.tu-berlin.de, phone:+49 (0)30 314 79704).

Digital and analog simulation of many-body dynamics (P 14) [see detailed project description P14].
Contact Alejandro Saenz (HU Berlin) (email: alejandro.saenz@physik.hu-berlin.de, phone: +49 (0)30-2093-82041).

Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits for Information Processing (P 15) [see detailed project description P15].
Contact Tim Schröder (HU Berlin) (email: tim.schroeder@physik.hu-berlin.de, phone: +49 30 2093 82140).

Optimization-Driven Quantum Circuit Decomposition (OptQCD) (P 16) [see detailed project description P16].
Contact Patrick Gelß (ZIB) (email: gelss@zib.de, phone: +49 30 84185-285).

Quantum-enhanced sensing using open quantum systems (P 17) [see detailed project description P17].
Contact Hendrik Weimer (TU Berlin) (email:weimer@tu-berlin.de, phone: +49-30-314-77032).


More information and how to apply can be found HERE.

See job posting at Technische Universität Berlin: https://www.personalabteilung.tu-berlin.de/menue/job

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