
Future of Quantum Computing Meetup

Curious about the Future of Quantum Computing?

​Whether you're simply interested in quantum computing or a researcher or startup founder working on it yourself, this meetup is for you!

​Hosted by Future of Computing and {Tech: Berlin} at The Delta Campus, this is the perfect opportunity to connect and collaborate with key players in the quantum ecosystem.

​Sponsored by Quantistry, building the world's most intuitive cloud-native chemical simulation platform.


​18:00 – Doors Open

​​18:30 – Short Intros from Organizers

​18:45 – Two Presentations from Quantistry and one more

​"Is Quantum Computing the Secret Weapon to Fight Climate Change?" – Arturo Robertazzi (CMEO & Co-Founder at Quantistry)

​​19:30 – Open-Ended Networking & Finger Food

The Delta Campus

Donaustraße 44, 12043 Berlin


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